220. That's what the scale said a few years ago....I cried. 200 was always the "oh my gosh I will never weigh more than that" benchmark and here I was 20 pounds over that. I'm not sure how I got there. I didn't feel fat. I didn't think I looked fat. OK so my pants were a size 16 (tightly), but I'm tall. Surely that was why I was in a size 16, because they were longer.
So a friend's husband, who is a trainer started working with me; white meat, green veggies and lots of cardio. I lost weight, but the diet I was eating actually made me depressed. It wasn't until I got pulled over and given a speeding ticket that I realized something was wrong. Spoke to my chiropractor who suggested it was the diet, but how could eating healthy make you depressed? Turns out your body needs certain vitamins and nutrients that are found in red veggies and fruits.
So I added a vitamin to my diet and tried to keep going. Well as most moms know, it's hard to get to the gym and not feel guilty that you're spending time away from your family. So the gym visits decreased and the weight was probably around 190.
I was still tired so of course something must be wrong with me. If I eat healthy and work out once in awhile, there must be something medically wrong. I went to the doctor and had her check my hormone levels. They were close to normal. WHAT?! You mean the fact that I can't lose weight has nothing to do with a medical condition? Then ok, my knees bother me and my back hurts, I can't do anything. That must be it, right? .....Wait a minute? That's not it either? D^%$#&^% it!! You mean I'm going to have to work harder? D$%$# it!!
So that's what I did again. To make a long story shorter I've also tried Slim Fast (gross and really, you want me to eat just this little bar as a meal??? I've have also done other protein shakes, followed a diet from a book (very hard to follow - no carbs for like 3 weeks!!!!) and other diet pills (caused some bad GERD symptoms and jittery energy).
The last diet pill I jokingly told my doctor I was getting too big for my jeans again (back in August) so she prescribed a pill that is used for ADHD and helps you lose weight. I told my neighbor about it (who I didn't realize at the time is a pharmacist) and she was not, not, not happy about it. The pill causes high blood pressure and lord knows what else. I do know that caused me insomnia, jittery energy the first 4 days and a very dry mouth, but I thought hey, I've lost some weight with it. If I stayed on it consistently the only problem was the dry mouth. I just had to make sure I took it everyday.
Then in January I did a 3 week fast with my church. My weight loss had leveled out. I wasn't loosing anymore so I thought the fast (I followed the Daniel fast - fruits and veggies) would do the trick. I did lose 9 pounds between January 5th and February 12th, but only lost 2 inches!!! Luckily around this time I was following a friend's posts on her weight loss using products from Xyngular and started to wonder more about a healthier weight loss plan. Could this be the end of an up and down weight loss journey?